My body is mine, not yours!!!

Hey people!! 
Happy new month, welcome to February. How’s the year coming along? This past month has to be the fastest January in the history of Januaries. Undergraduates, how far? 3 months and counting…๐Ÿ˜ช

Currently listening to Surprise yourself- Jack Garratt

I’m actually surprising myself with this blog post. I wasn’t the most vocal person growing up, I tended to shy away from conversations towards women because I grew up thinking that if someone got raped, it had to be because she had acted inappropriately. Thank God for the past few years, I’ve evolved as person, and in my way of thinking. Amen to that!!
We’re going to be talking about men & women alike who do not understand that my body is exclusively mine, and that they have absolutely no right to it unless given consent by me. 
What is sexual consent?
Source: Pinterest

According to , sexual consent is an agreement to participate in a sexual activity. Before being sexual with someone, you need to know if they want to be sexual with you too. It’s also important to be honest with your partner about what you want and don’t want. 
The saddest thing happened at my school last year. Two newly admitted students got raped, and when the news broke, my roommates and I were talking about it and I heard shocking stuff people!!
One of them was like “Ehn, it’s their fault.  Why were they at Vet Mountain? What were they wearing sef?” 
It was really sad hearing them say those things, and more sad that there are hundreds of people out there with the same mentality. Thousands of people out there who believe that women are responsible for being raped, and many thousands who believe that a woman’s body is subject to whatsoever they want with it. It also shows that there are so many people who support rape either consciously or unconsciously. 
If you hear someone was raped, and you ask the following questions, then am sorry to tell you that you are a rape apologist!

This question is upsetting in its self. Let me emphasize again that my body is mine and no one else’s. What I choose to wear or not wear should not be a determinant or the basis for judging rape. I reserve the exclusive right to wear what I want, and a man should learn to zip his pants. It is not his business or concern to set me straight if he feels so concerned about what am wearing. 
And again, if you think its okay for a lady to be raped because she was wearing this or that, then I am glad to tell you that you have no sense!! After all, we have heard stories about people in long skirts getting raped, soooooooo, what are you saying๐Ÿคท๐Ÿคท

This question is annoying, stupid, and funny all at the same time. Like, I don’t understand. So, women should not move around because some “people” cannot control themselves and their actions? Need I remind you guys, freedom of movement is one of the fundamental human rights. So, if you ask this question when someone gets raped, I want to let you know you’re supporting rape because you’re basically saying she got raped because she exercised her right to freedom of movement. 

Now, its “importanter” that when you’re in a relationship, you discuss consent with your partner, and boundaries if there will be any. It’s crazy to just assume that because someone is your boyfriend\girlfriend, they would want to have sex with you. It is very important to discuss this and to all my ladies, please don’t be scared or shy to say yes or no to consent in a relationship. Society has made women feel like if they say yes to sex, it makes them whores, forgetting that a woman is as sexual as a man and that it takes two to tango. So it’s of utmost necessity that you don’t find a way to sidetrack this topic in your relationship.
After all said and done, it’s sad that there are people who think this way, but we can help ourselves, and the generation to come. How? 
By spreading the word that everyone reserves the right to their bodies, and it is absolutely wrong to engage in sexual activity without your partners’ consent.
That forcefully persuading or intimidating someone into having sex with you is not consent.
And also talk to your siblings and friends about consent. It is something to vocal about and not something to be ashamed of. 
Also, sex education needs to be inculcated into the curriculum please!!!  Children are very smart. And if you think sexual education is about teaching kids how to have sex and therefore you won’t support it, please put your hand on your forehead and ask God to grant you wisdom in Jesus name.

What other ridiculous excuses or questions have you heard people give\ask concerning rape?


  1. just the very thing I have been trying to tell people.... thanks for the write-up... most def. sharing this Post

    1. Thank you very much. People really need to know!


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